Pipedrive CRM - Why is it a super relevant system for 2023?


Customers are the kings in business. Be it any domain. In this digital marketing era, any business will needPipedrive_Crm a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to survive. Any CRM is not enough for present day businesses. With the rise of digital marketing, things have changed. There is an increase in demand for CRM systems with advanced features. Pipedrive CRM does everything possible to meet that demand. The Pipedrive CRM system is built with modern marketing and supply chain management problems in mind. It even considers and tries to include the changes according to the trends with each update.

Pipedrive has options right from managing probable customers to managing the after business services. The way probable customers are arranged in the pipeline is actually brilliant. Pipeline is a sales funnel represented with different parameters. Each stage of interaction is arranged with the actions required. The system indicates to you with colors, how fast the action should be taken. It even prompts you to take action according to your settings. Probability calculation in each stage of the pipeline is another feature that comes in handy. The probability for each entry is given according to the category they are in. This helps in forecasting the sales. That too with the most possible accuracy.

Following are some super features of Pipedrive CRM 

Contact timeline: You can use this feature to manage your contact on the basis of action taken. You can see all the contacts including both people and organizations at one place. There is also provision to tag special contacts like that of high value clients. The visual representation of the timeline is in such a way that it is super easy to read. You may also use the follow up frequency feature to schedule the interactions according to the relevance.

Deal Probabilities: Probability calculation in each stage of the pipeline is another feature that comes in handy. The probability for each entry is given according to the category they are in. This helps in forecasting the sales. That too with the most possible accuracy. Stage probabilities are auto generated based on the valuations in each stage. However, with deal specific probability you can overwrite.

Enable products tab: Essential feature for reporting purposes. Make invoices. Visual representation. The professional plan also gives provisions to set up commissions.

Required fields: There is a less discussed feature in Pipedrive. That is the provision to change optional fields to compulsory fields according to preference. With this feature, you can make sure a sales entry is carried forward to the next step only after completing the fields of your preference. If someone tries to go forward without attending the fields that were made mandatory, a prompt will appear to fill those and proceed.

Customized edit: You don’t need to edit entry by entry in Pipedrive. If the edit is the same for more than one entry, you may select all those and make changes to them alone. Other entries will remain the same. This way you can save a lot of time.

There are other features like activity scheduling, product variations, scheduled emails, whitelisting multiple emails, and even more features in their mobile application. Will need another blog to write about those.

Why is Pipedrive CRM better than others?

  • Simple and easy to use: Require only basic IT skills and sales knowledge.
  • High level of customizability: According to your business each and every option can be adjusted. If you prefer automation, that is also possible.
  • Alerts and prompts: Once you set your sales requirements, Pipedrive will set alerts. It will also prompt for actions required.
  • Stage probability and deal probability: These two probability calculations within the system help you to have the most accurate insights possible.
  • Third-party integration: Seamless third-party app integrations are available according to your preference.
  • Insights and reports made easy to read: With meticulous visualizations and interactive representations, insights and reports are made easy to comprehend.
  • Comparatively low cost and various level plans: You may compare to any major CRMs, You will not find a better option than Pipedrive CRM.

Why choose us?

crm XL Technologies is the leading seller of Pipedrive in Dubai. With all the cool features of Pipedrive, you can avail of seamless service as well. We provide Pipedrive services for all levels of businesses.